
Practice Articles
A midwife's perspective on home birth

Nicole Madigan - 14-12-2021

COVID-19 has impacted almost every aspect of our lives, and giving birth has been no different. Lockdowns and health protocols have meant restrictions on the number of people

What midwives really think about birth plans

Nicole Madigan - 25-08-2021

Birth plans have become an increasingly popular part of the preparation ritual for expectant mothers, but many women struggle with what to include in their plan, and worry

Superior antenatal care at home - what's the secret?

Haley Williams - 19-08-2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has provided opportunities to explore telehealth out of pure necessity. And while sceptics believed it would lead to medical mishaps and misdiagnosis,

CBT-I for better sleep in pregnancy and postnatally

Haley Williams - 16-08-2021

It's well established that a healthy diet and exercise are vital to a healthy pregnancy and delivery, but sleep is also crucial. Unfortunately, of the 300,000 women who

Birth practitioners need more education about complimentary professions, says midwife

Nicole Madigan - 24-06-2021

Ensuring all professions involved in the care of pregnant women and new mothers are connected became a passion for midwife, Kathy Fray, who launched the International Integrative

Partner-provided postnatal massage delivers anxiety relief

Haley Williams - 09-11-2020

The physical and emotional toll of pregnancy can be overwhelming, and one in five women

Waterbirth ban for labouring women controversial

Haley Williams - 09-09-2020

Waterbirth is now banned at many maternity hospitals due to government guidelines that detail an 'unacceptable risk' of COVID-19 transmission. It's a controversial

Pregnancy, birth and babies during a pandemic

Haley Williams - 18-08-2020

Pregnancy and parenting in a crisis like COVID-19 leads to increased anxiety among new and expectant mothers and their partners. But how is the pandemic impacting pregnancy

Water immersion for labour and birth

Haley Williams - 17-02-2020

Waterbirth is an attractive prospect for many women to help reduce the pain of labour and excessive pain medication and to achieve a calm birth. But risks and benefits need

The BFHI: Does it support emotional wellbeing of mothers?

Haley Williams - 20-01-2020

Many Australian maternity hospitals are now accredited under the Baby-Friendly Health Initiative (BFHI), which encourages women to breastfeed after the birth of their baby.

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