Some people are social distancing while others are not. Here's a guide on how to keep your distance in order to slow the spread of COVID-19.

Queenslanders are being urged to keep their distance from each other, avoid socialising and stay at home. Here's is a list of things people can do to help slow the spread of COVID-19.

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  • It is critical you stay at home for 14 days if you have just returned from overseas, if you are generally feeling unwell, if you have been tested for COVID-19 or if you are over the age of 60 and have a chronic illness.
  • You must also stay inside your home for 14 days if you have been in contact with someone who is generally unwell or who has been tested for the virus.

  • All Queenslanders are being told to stay in their homes unless it is absolutely essential that they leave.
  • Before you leave your house, ask yourself if it is really necessary to do the activity you're planning on doing?
  • That means staying indoors unless you are going to the supermarket, the pharmacy or the petrol station.
  • It is OK to exercise outdoors like going for walks, riding a bicycle and working out in the park. But it is really important you don't touch anything.
  • If you are leaving your home, whether to buy groceries or go for a walk, keep 1.5 metres away from others as much as possible.


  • COVID-19 is not an airborne virus but spreads very easily with human contact.
  • It survives on surfaces including elevator buttons, the handles of doors and shopping baskets, traffic crossings, footpath rails, benches and tabletops, taps in public toilets and money.
  • If someone with COVID-19 touches a surface, and you then touch that surface, you're highly likely to become sick with the virus or spread it further.
  • So wash your hands with soap for 20 seconds before you go out, while you're out and when you get home.
  • If you can carry some wipes or hand sanitiser with you, even better.
  • Try not to touch your face. We all touch our face all the time. But try not to and wash your hands.

  • You won't be able to go to a pub, cinema, bar, gym, indoor sports club from midday on Monday.
  • But you can still order food to takeaway from your favourite restaurant or corner cafe.
  • Home delivery is still an option.

  • Social distancing means keeping to yourself so that you don't catch the virus, but also so that you don't spread it to other people. It's the best way to contain the virus.
  • You are being asked to distance yourself from friends and loved ones for the sake of your health and wellbeing, but also theirs. It's about looking after yourself and your community.
  • You can go a few weeks without heading to a barbecue, meeting a big group of friends for a picnic or heading to someone's house for a catch-up.
  • If you have older parents and grandparents, do them a favour by not visiting them for a few weeks.
  • You can stay social by speaking to friends and family over the phone, setting up a group chat or text, sending pictures and video messages, sharing playlists and movie recommendations, but don't visit them in person.

  • Whether you've planned and overseas adventure, a night in with friends or a day out, you should cancel it. Those friends and that beach or hiking trail will still be there in a few months' time.
  • Camping with your mates, beach trips, parties, hiking with your family, weekends interstate all should be cancelled. They are not essential.
  • Any indoor or outdoor event must take in at least four square metres (2m by 2m) per person.
