The contraceptive pill will be available over the counter in Victoria if the coalition wins the November state election.

Victoria's opposition promises to make the contraceptive pill available over the counter if it wins the November state election.

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Victorian women would become the first in the country to have access to the pill without an ongoing prescription under the coalition's plan.

"Women are completely capable of being in charge of their own contraception and this policy puts more control in their hands," health spokeswoman Mary Wooldridge said on Sunday.

But women would still need to visit their GP first so a doctor could check health and family history checks to identify pre-existing risks and get an initial prescription.

After the initial prescription, women would be able to get more courses of the pill from their pharmacist.

"The contraceptive pill is safe and effective, and we will ensure that women who choose to use it can do so as easily as possible," Ms Wooldridge said.

A committee of medical professionals, pharmacists and women's health specialist would be established to advise on the plan, including its schedule, guidelines, training and safeguards.
