Many employers are often looking for ways to create a happy and peaceful workplace and boost motivation and productivity without maxing out their budget.

However, many benefits cost businesses large sums of money to be able to offer and run the services, which is why many choose not to or ask employees to self-fund if they are interested.

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Luckily, meditation is a benefit which comes with countless advantages, one of which being low cost and low maintenance to run. As well as being affordable, meditation is known to boost productivity and engagement levels, which is perfect for fixing a morning or mid-afternoon slump.

There are many arguments as to why workplaces should offer regular meditation sessions as standard, but here are 5 of the top reasons why.


For employers, one of the top advantages of offering meditation in the workplace is that it is extremely affordable. There are many online guided meditation videos and programmes you can follow for free, and they tend to be relatively straightforward - all you need for this is a quiet space for employees to use.

You could choose to schedule out a conference room for weekly practice or use a break-out room in the mornings when the workplace is quietest. You could also consider bringing in a local professional, who will focus on offering meditation and wellness in the workplace.

It is likely that they will charge a small fee for these services, but often the prices tend to be reasonable and in-line with what you want to achieve.

It’s Inclusive and Accessible

Yoga tends to be something which appeals to those who are able-bodied and experienced, which could make some employees feel unwelcome to join in.

Meditation, however, is something which everyone can do and benefit from, without the poses and pretence that comes with yoga, and is an activity that everyone in the office can join in with.

Control Anxiety and Stress

Many workplaces go through periods of tension and high-stress, particularly if deadlines are involved. The responsibility which comes as part of an office job may also lead to stress and/or anxiety and this can progress into something bigger if not addressed early on.

By offering meditation within the workplace, you are encouraging and helping your employees to manage their stress and any anxiety that they are feeling.

Meditation can also curb the feeling of momentary anxiety, for example in the leadup to presentations or meetings, meaning employees will feel more confident and relaxed in delivering their work.

Improve Memory and Attention Span

Employees who meditate regularly may find that they have improved memory and a longer attention span than previously. Focusing on projects, sticking to deadlines and delivering high quality of work will all become more manageable for those employees who have access to meditation within their workplace.

Once you begin to offer meditation, you’ll be able to see employee productivity and performance gradually improve.

Enhance Self-Awareness

Meditation is known to enhance self-awareness. We all know how easy it is to get caught up in work, particularly if you’re working long hours sat in front of a computer or in an isolated setting.

Interacting with other employees inbetween stretches of work can lead to difficult and strained social dynamics, so by offering regular meditation sessions, you can reduce the activity which occurs within the “me” part of the brain.

This then makes employees feel more empathetic to the people around them, which in turn will form more positive relationship and dynamics.

Takeaway Points

Meditation is an act of befriending yourself and getting to know how you work, which in turn allows you to switch off and relax at the end of the day.

The more employees are able to do this, the happier you will find them to be both in and outside of the office. By offering workplace meditation in the workplace, employees can focus, interact with one another and destress, which in turn will make them much healthier.

Ultimately, it will also help them become more intuned with themselves and the happiness felt from this will naturally flow into the office and every aspect of their lives.

Author Bio
Natalie Wilson is a freelance health and wellness writer. She loves researching and writing about new health trends and topics, as well as keeping up to date with the latest health news, including those currently surrounding the benefits of probiotic capsules. When not writing, you can find her taking long walks in the countryside with her dog or browsing her nearest bookstore. You can connect with her on Twitter @NatWilson976.
