Workplace stress amongst hospital emergency department staff is prevalent despite the working environment being generally perceived positively amongst nursing and medical staff who use a range of coping strategies.

These are some of the outcomes of a collaborative study undertaken between Griffith University, University of the Sunshine Coast, Gold Coast Health, Sunshine Coast Hospital and Health Service and Göteborgs Universitet.

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The study, funded by the Emergency Medicine Foundation, surveyed 150 clinical emergency staff from two Sunshine Coast hospitals.

“We found that even people that have been in their positions for a long time, still find the environment stressful,” says Research Fellow Dr Amy Johnston from Griffith’s Menzies Health Institute Queensland (MHIQ) and Gold Coast Health.

“The staff stressors and coping strategies were found to be similar across EDs and professional roles. This research provides foundational evidence to inform and support strategies for staff within EDs. These strategies need to consider individual and organisational approaches to ensure professional longevity.”

Dr Amy Johnston and Professor Julia Crilly will be presenting their study at 1-2.30pm Wednesday 29 November at the Gold Coast Health Research Week.

For more information on the program see here
