There has never been a better time to be a healthcare Professional. Want some stats to back it up? Sure thing – we have a number of examples to share with you:

  • Healthcare remains to be Australia’s leading employer.
  • 1.5 million people are employed in the healthcare sector in Australia.
  • The healthcare sector equates for 15% of all employment within Australia
  • 1 in 3 jobs are in the healthcare industry.
  • 47 000 positions were created in healthcare over the past 3 months.
  • Against Australia’s broader market trends, your wage growth is looking good too with healthcare bolting ahead of other professions.

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(Source: ABC)

Quite an impressive list of statistics, right?

There are many reasons the healthcare profession remains one of the most banked-upon professions for continued job growth and prosperity.

#1: We cannot live without it.
The world will always need healthcare professionals. Unlike some booming, fad careers that may stay on trend for 5 or 10 years, health will always be a staple. There will always be a need for nurses, midwives, psychologists, podiatrists…. the list goes on. Because when it comes down to it, we are in the field of people. And people are complex and ever-changing. We age, we change, we develop new diseases and ailments – we are always in need of treatment. And that is never going to change.

#2: Flexibility is a big influencing factor
Gone are the days of 9-5. Once, the majority of the workforce craved a 9-5 job. Shift work was frowned upon and regular hours and work were snapped up. With childcare fees spiralling out of control, families working more and home less, there is a shift towards greater flexibility in our working lives. And that is healthcare to a tee. The profession demands flexibility. People get sick and need care 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Perfect for those looking for greater flexibility. Looking for all night shifts? No worries.

#3 The Baby Boomers are at the Peak
Our generation of baby boomers are ageing, and they are ageing fast. The demand for healthcare professionals is high and will keep on growing to ensure we can cope with the influx of an ageing population that is upon us.

The state of the industry 

A boom in child protection and social work 

Alongside the general demand for healthcare workers, there has been a definitive increase in the demand for qualified social workers across Australia, Victoria in particular. The reforms implemented following the Royal Commission into Family Violence, has seen a spike in demand for social workers, counsellors, psychologists, trauma clinicians and case managers. With greater focus being put on mental health, the need for qualified mental health practitioners continues to grow.

The brink of a NSW nursing crisis

Additionally, we are on the cusp of a certified NSW nursing crisis. Latest figures show that in NSW, the current pool of 70, 000 full-time nursing staff will not be adequate to meet demand. On top of that, modelling states that by 2030, we will have a shortfall of over 8,000 staff than what will be required (ABC). For every 110 professionals in the industry who retire, only 84 join the workforce in their place. Australia needs qualified nursing and healthcare staff, and we need them now.

A national skills shortage 

SEEKS insight and resources Data reveals that Healthcare & Medical is one of the industries to dominate the list of hard-to-fill roles. Nursing, Midwifery, Speech Therapy, Nurse Managers, Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists all rank in the top 10.

Due to the workplace modelling undertaken and the recognition of the skills shortage in these areas, most remain placed on the national list of skills shortages (Skilled Occupation List). This means that positions can be filled by skilled migrants who apply for a temporary work visa which allows employment in the sector for up to four years and in some instances permanent residency. With the lagging numbers of Australian graduates, we will need to look elsewhere to fill the gaping holes in the profession.

With this in mind, agencies like Limelight Health understand the need to attract candidates in the UK, Ireland and New Zealand, educating these Healthcare professionals around the benefits of working in Australia and supporting them in the relocation process.

An in-demand career 

If there was ever a time you were looking for a stable career with booming job prospects and undersupply of workers, now is the time… and healthcare is the sector. For those new to the industry, undertaking study in the healthcare sector is a bankable move. For those in the industry, with new and booming areas cropping up, what do you do to ensure your skillset remains relevant? Are you interested in moving into a new area and not sure where to start?

The key to ensure you remain competitive in today’s career marketplace, is to remain relevant. It all comes down to upskilling.

The importance of upskilling

For healthcare professionals, it is important to ensure your skills stay up-to-date. A recent report on Global Human Capital Trends states that current skill sets are relevant for 10 years. It has never been more important to upskill to ensure your skill set remains relevant.

As a result of the demand in mental and social health, we must turn our focus on upskilling qualified professionals to grow the skilled number of niche professionals in these spaces. Recruitment strategies for several leading not for profits include an emphasis on career development and offering further education plus access to CPD funds.

Kate Heeligan, Director of Health at Limelight People, says it’s important to upskill to remain competitive. “At Limelight, we work to place candidates in the best position to match their qualifications and skillset and offer guidance in areas to upskill. We work with candidates to ensure long-term career success.  A commitment to the continual upskilling of our candidate network to match industry demand, ensures a high-quality applicant to present to leading healthcare providers.”

Several postgraduate opportunities are available to those looking to enter these in-demand professions such as Post Graduate Certificates in Mental Health or Women’s Health.  Upskilling and adding another feather to your bow can open a whole new scope of career possibilities as well as increasing your salary level. 
