There are growing calls for a bigger effort to improve confidence in coronavirus vaccines in a bid to boost jobs, protect lives and reopen the nation.

Australians aged over 50 are being urged to roll up their sleeves and receive the AstraZeneca vaccine rather than waiting for alternatives.

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Medical experts are worried Australia's success in controlling coronavirus could be put at risk if vaccinations are not rolled out quickly enough.

There have been 3.47 million vaccines administered in Australia, including a record 101,146 in the past 24 hours.

But while the daily numbers continue to climb, they are still a long way off the figures required to give every Australian two doses by the end of the year.

Scott Morrison is encouraging older Australians to get a vaccine and urging younger people to have the conversation with their relatives.

"I encourage all those that are over 50 to go and get the jab, and particularly if you are over 70, which is our strong focus," he told reporters on Friday.

"I would very much encourage you to do it."

Throughout the week, the prime minister has argued he is focusing on people who want to get a vaccine, rather than those who are hesitant.

But cabinet minister Angus Taylor, who got the AstraZeneca jab this week, acknowledged the need to win over reluctant older people.

"We do need to ramp up communication to that group," he said.

"(And) it's important that people in public life lead by example, role modelling is critical."

Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese is concerned the coalition has been sending mixed messages on the vaccine rollout.

"Get vaccinated, folks. It's important. It is essential for our opening up of the economy," he said.

There are fears complacency is creeping into some parts of the community and concerns some older Australians are reluctant to get the AstraZeneca jab because of its link to a small number of rare blood clots.

Senior minister Peter Dutton believes the way such cases are being reported could be part of the reason people are choosing to wait for alternative vaccines such as Moderna and Pfizer to arrive later this year.

Mr Dutton said the 24 cases out of 2.1 million doses of AstraZeneca administered in Australia needed to be put in perspective.

"These things happen in a normal season where there's an adverse reaction to someone getting a vaccination, whether it's an adult, someone getting the flu vaccination each year, or if it's a child," he told Nine.

Epidemiologist Catherine Bennett has called for calm after six new cases of rare blood clots were linked to the AstraZeneca vaccine.

Professor Bennett said it was reassuring new cases remained extremely rare, at a rate of between one or two per cent per 100,000.

She said most of those who had developed blood clots suffered mild side effects and made a full recovery.

"They haven't even gone into hospital and were back to work pretty quickly. It's good to know that. I do think it makes people realise this is not always serious."
