On the first anniversary of the death of outback nurse Gayle Woodford, those involved in the health industry say more needs to be done to keep workers safe.

More remains to be done to better protect nurses working in isolated and remote communities across Australia, the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation says.

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Marking the first anniversary of the death of South Australian outback nurse Gayle Woodford, federal secretary Lee Thomas says some improvements have been made in workplace safety in the wake of last year's tragedy.

But she says the federation is still concerned that there are no mandatory, uniform policies across states and territories, leaving nurses and other health professionals at risk.

"Today we ask our members across Australia to stop and reflect on Gayle's life and death, it is a tragic reminder that the safety of nurses, midwives and assistants in nursing remains paramount," Ms Thomas said.

"We've heard from some of our members working in remote areas that they do feel safer where employers have introduced policies that prevent nurses being sent on call-outs alone, or left in single-post positions.

"But unfortunately, these practices are not consistent, which shows that more needs to be done by all governments."

Ms Woodford, 56, went missing on March 23 last year from her home at Fregon in South Australia's Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands and her body was found three days later.

Mimili man, Dudley Davey, 35, was charged with her murder and has since pleaded guilty.

Her death sparked a major push to improve the safety of nurses working in remote communities, with an online petition securing more than 130,000 signatures.
