Most people looking for services these days ask Dr Google, and if service providers aren’t ranking, they won’t be found. Let's face it, everyone's online these days, and if your business isn’t, it might as well not exist.

It’s a scary prospect if a business relies on professional reputation – such as all allied health practices!  However, the good news is you don’t need to be a digital mastermind to create content that’s searched for, found and valued by potential clients.

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They say content is king, and your website can be the castle if you build a strong and enticing foundation of readily available information and resources that clients value. So, if you're stuck in a content rut, here are eight content ideas that are perfect for an allied health business.

1.  Brochures or fact sheets
What are the common complaints, injuries or health issues that you treat in your clinic? These questions are a great starting point to come up with helpful brochures or fact sheets that add value to your customer base.
You can send these marketing materials via email. Simply have them available to download from your website by requesting a name and email address. This increases your email subscriber list and gives your potential clients information that benefits them and promotes your expertise.

2.  Create a video
Can you show your potential clients how to solve a problem? Video is more engaging and is shared more often than other mediums online. So, try uploading an instructional video to your website and share it via social media channels to bring more traffic to your website (and hopefully more clients to your clinic)!

3.  Case study
An ideal way to showcase your expertise is to promote an in-depth case study on a common problem, injury or health issue. You can include treatment options, expected prognosis and outcomes to highlight your expertise and special interest in an area and give clients insight into what to expect when they visit your clinic.

4.  Podcast
Podcasts are increasingly popular because the format fits into busy lives. It also gives you a more personal element to add to your marketing mix. Many topics can be covered in a podcast, including common health conditions and how you treat them in your clinic.

5.  What’s it like to be a …
Your clients might be interested in your day-to-day, or what's involved in your colleagues or employees' roles. A 'day-in-the-life-of' series is an excellent opportunity to show off your personality and the professional space you work in – a video is best, but you can also write a blog post and include photographs.

6.  Newsletters
Keep your clients up-to-date on the latest health news, events or services offered at your clinic with regular newsletters. You can schedule e-newsletters through platforms like MailChimp and have them sent weekly, monthly or quarterly via email. This keeps your practice at the forefront of your customers' minds when they need your services or give referrals to friends.

7.  Competition and promotions
Most people will be attracted to the opportunity to win something or receive a substantial discount. Ensure prizes are relevant to your business or you may attract people who want the prize without having any interest in your service. 

8.  Evergreen content 
Evergreen content never dates so you can keep it on your website and it remains relevant – and grows traffic over time.  Evergreen content includes lists, top tips, how to’s and product reviews, and can be promoted via social platforms year-round.

Ruben Mackellar, a communications specialist for Osteopathy Australia, says if you’re patient, have a sense of humour and are willing to put in the effort, your business will benefit by an increased online presence.

Helpful tips on increasing your online presence.

Mr Mackellar suggests the following tips to create a grow an online presence for an allied health business.
  • When first creating your social media presence - start with Facebook and Instagram. Currently, they are the most consumer ‘engaging’ channels in Australia and will drive a lot of your potential new business.
  • Don’t forget the other social media channels (Twitter and YouTube). They are great tools to gather new ideas and to publish content.
  • When you have your next staff meeting, make sure all your practitioners have a LinkedIn account and have their current position set within your business. LinkedIn is the best empowerment platform for clinicians to highlight their tertiary qualifications and professional accomplishments.
  • Create a social media calendar – either weekly or monthly. This will make it easy for you to plan and prioritise content.
  • Want to create digital content easily? Download the graphic design tool, Canva. This paid application will make life easy for you when it comes to designing, cropping and editing image-based content. This is a real time and money saver!
  • Do you want to schedule content in advance? Use the scheduling tool, Hootsuite. This is a paid application and will allow you to ‘schedule and forget’ your content posts days, weeks and months in advance.
  • When are Australians most likely to make a purchasing decision? Between 7:30pm – 8:00pm every day. This time is known as ‘Drowsy Browsy’ time!
  • Building your social media base takes time. Don’t expect exponential growth in a few days or weeks. Like growing your client base as a clinician, you need to build your follower base online in order to grow.
  • Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, be creative and original with your social media content!

Advertising guidelines and consumer law.

You must follow legislation set out by the Australian Consumer Law (ACL) when promoting your business through social media or via any form of advertisement when advertising a professional service, said Mr Mackellar.

In addition, a business advertising a professional service from a regulated profession must comply with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency’s (AHRPA) advertising guidelines. Breaching these guidelines can lead to substantial fines and penalties.

It may be overwhelming to start creating content for your allied health business, but your clinical experience means you already have a wealth of knowledge to share. Start with a content idea that appeals to you and keep building from that foundation – your online presence will grow, and so will your confidence in promoting your clinic.
