Women are more likely to ignore or have heart disease symptoms misdiagnosed because they are not seen as likely candidates for heart attacks, researchers say.

It is no surprise heart disease kills more men but it is still one of the leading causes of death for Australian women. It claims twice as many as breast cancer.

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Not seeing themselves as potential victims means some women are ignoring the danger signs, says Heart Research Austraila CEO Nicci Dent.

"Despite heart disease being a leading cause of death in women, only one in five Australian women are aware of this.

"Many women dismiss early warning signs because they think heart disease mainly affects older men."

As part of heart awareness month, REDFEB, Heart Research Australia is promoting the different ways in which heart disease should be detected, prevented and managed depending on a person's sex.

Women under 55 suffering heart attacks or angina are more likely to be misdiagnosed and discharged from emergency departments than men, suggesting the drive for awareness is as important for women as it is for their medics.

"Many of the symptoms women experience may not be recognised as heart disease, thus increasing the likelihood of a missed diagnosis," according to cardiologist Dr Ashleigh Dind.

"Although men suffering from a heart attack typically describe chest pain or discomfort, women are more likely to have non-chest pain symptoms such as shortness of breath, weakness, fatigue and indigestion, and frequently with worse consequences."

This misdiagnosis is a contributing factor to statistics showing that a woman with a modifiable risk factor having a heart attack is three times more likely to die than a man with no risk factor, Ms Dent says.

"Although more men than women are admitted to hospital experiencing a heart attack, the number of deaths are the same," she said.

"Awareness is critical so that women can advocate for their own health."

The risk of heart disease in women increases after menopause when oestrogen levels decline reducing their natural protection, Dr Dind adds.

"One of the many things oestrogen helps do is keep the blood vessels in the body stable and functioning well," she said.

"With less oestrogen, women are more likely to develop plaque in the arteries surrounding the heart or have this plaque rupture, increasing the risk of a heart attack.

"Therefore, it is very important for women to create healthy habits before they reach menopause."
