Success in any business takes dedication and hard work. But when you’re trying to sell what some see as a luxury purchase, it can be hard work to get sales over the line.
So, we decided to ask a few successful physiotherapy clinics from around the country what they’ve done to grow their own physiotherapy clinic into a thriving business. By Nina Hendy.

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Pricing: The cost of a session with a physiotherapist is seen as a luxury item for some, which makes it hard for a physiotherapy clinic to find ways to market to their target market, particularly after some of the patients most at need have just been through expensive surgery. Elite Academy is based at Melbourne University, and offers a patient package of up to 12 weeks’ worth of sessions, for example. This set-price structure works well for many, whether pre-operation or post-operation, according to the clinic’s Kusal Goonewardena.

A promise: Most clients can’t justify the cost of visiting a physiotherapist every single week for the rest of their lives, so giving them an understanding that you’ll make a difference to their overall wellbeing within a specific amount of time can help, according to Goonewardena. He has developed specific packages, telling clients that he will be able to help them within three sessions or less, or that he will refer them on to someone else; an appealing promise for many.

Training: Anyone in the physiotherapy field needs to maintain their professional training to retain their skills, but finding ways to add value by going above and beyond by specialising in a particular physiotherapy technique can be a great way to add value, according to Goonewardena. “We’re trained in the Ridgeway Method, which we’ve been using with great results. All that extra training we’ve undertaken is recognised and appreciated by our clients, because they understand they’re getting a better diagnosis, prognosis and outcome.”

Communication: Actually communicating what you do best has worked wonders for Brisbane’s Sue Croft, who is one of Australia’s most experienced physiotherapists in women and continence health. In 2011, Croft wrote two books in this field, and was looking for ways to share her research with a broader audience, so made the decision to commit to blogging. So far, she’s shared 170 blogs and social media posts about pelvic floor dysfunction, offering lots of free knowledge about her experience and understanding, which has in turn driven traffic to her website and grown her clientele. It has also helped her be recognised as an expert in her field. Croft also shares her knowledge during various free lectures, knowing it will come back to her in time.  “My practice has got busier and busier since I started regularly blogging, and helped me grow by business to include a new studio.”

While Croft admits it’s time consuming, it’s been well worth it, she says.

In fact, Croft has just launched Brisbane’s first dedicated physiotherapy pelvic floor exercise studio in Highgate Hill.

Passion: It sounds simple, but doesn’t always translate, according to Croft. “You’ve got to be passionate about what you do. For me, sharing my skills as a physiotherapist isn’t a chore, and I enjoy being able to communicate the benefits. We’re not all in the world for ever, so actually getting the word out there about pelvic floor health in any way I can is extremely important to me, and brings me great joy.”

Specialisation: The simple act of choosing the right specialisation path as a physiotherapist can have huge benefits for you as a professional, according to Proactive Physio Scott Mackay. “For example, 15 years ago, no physio actually did pilates with clients, but now, all physio clinics offering pilates; though our clinic was the first. And patients are happy to pay reasonable money to do pilates at my business because I specialised,” Mackay says.
