The South Australian government has launched an inquiry into a chemotherapy bungle where some cancer patients were given incorrect doses.

The South Australian government has launched an independent inquiry into a chemotherapy bungle that resulted in some cancer patients receiving incorrect doses.

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Health Minister Jack Snelling is angry that he wasn't provided with the full information by health officials when the mistake was first uncovered earlier this year.

The error involved about 10 leukaemia patients who were given less than the required chemotherapy doses because of a typographical error.

Mr Snelling is particularly concerned that he was not informed of one patient receiving the wrong dose several days after the original mistake was detected.

He said that detail was not included in the information with which he was provided at the time.

"I'm extraordinarily angry that I was not given the full story," the minister told reporters on Wednesday.

The government has asked Professor Villis Marshall, chair of the federal government's commission on safety and quality in health care, to investigate the bungle and determine what went wrong and who was responsible.

Mr Snelling said Prof Marshall's report would determine what action the government would take and pledged to release his findings.
