As the health profiles of women having babies continue to change, the complexity of the care requirements undertaken by midwives is increasing, prompting a surge of interest in Victoria University’s innovative dual degree in midwifery and nursing.

While there are distinct differences between the midwifery and nursing professions, there are also numerous shared commonalities in both knowledge and practice that complement each other.

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“Women having babies today are generally older, and there has been a change in their health profile,” says Victoria University’s Professor and Head of Program, Nursing and Midwifery, Dr Sharon Andrew.

The dual degree prepares midwives to meet the current challenges in maternity care.The course was developed in direct response to feedback about the current challenges in maternity care, and its impact on the knowledge and skill requirement of midwives.

Essentially, the dual degree prepares graduates to become work-ready to practice as midwives or nurses in Australian healthcare settings, through theory, practice and six clinical placements.

Victoria University is an early adopter of virtual simulation technology, enabling students in all four years of the dual degree to practice midwifery and nursing decision-making and critical thinking through interactive computer based technology.

“We lead the way in the use of groups of simulated patients from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds in order to reflect the diversity of the Australian population,” says Professor Andrew.

Students benefit directly from the diversity of the group, learning to effectively communicate with a broad range of patients, managing cultural and language sensitivities while effectively tending to their patients’ health requirements.

The degree has seen numerous advancements in its self-directed learning lab, the result being a cutting-edge facility, providing students with plenty of opportunity to improve their skills.

“Midwifery and nursing educators are seconded from one of our clinical partners and this provides students with current clinical knowledge,” says Professor Andrew.

Students at Victoria University have access to extensive current research, with Professor Andrew, along with Professor of Midwifery, Dr Mary Carolyn-Olah and Professor of Mental Health Dr Terence McCann, all bringing their research to the classroom.

“Studying our Bachelor of Midwifery/Bachelor of Nursing you’ll learn the practical skills for each profession – and the healthcare knowledge for both,” says Professor Andrew.

In addition to having access to state-of-the-art practical learning facilities, students learn how to understand their patients’ unique health needs in the delivery of midwifery and nursing care.

The dual degree in midwifery and nursing is an ideal choice for anyone wanting a career that directly benefits the health of their community, while enjoying the innovative and cutting-edge facilities offered through Victoria University.

“Midwives and nurses can work in many settings and the dual degree gives the graduating student additional flexibility in choosing where they want to work,” says Professor Andrew.
