The Osteopathy Board of Australia (the Board) is recognising osteopaths nationally for their contribution to healthcare during this year’s Osteopathy Awareness Week.

Taking place 14-20 April 2019, International Osteopathy Awareness Week brings to light the important work registered osteopaths do to improve the health and wellbeing of the community.

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Board Chair, Dr Nikole Grbin, says osteopathy is a fast growing and emerging profession in Australia, helping to improve the mobility and quality of life of patients.

‘We have seen a 7.1 per cent increase in the number of registered osteopaths in Australia over the past year, which bodes well for the future of the profession and its ability to meet growing patient needs, particularly as Australians are living longer,’ Dr Grbin said.

‘The Board, in collaboration with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA), has a large body of work planned for 2019, including publishing and transitioning osteopaths to use the revised professional capabilities for osteopathic practice.’

‘Our work to set revised professional capabilities for registered osteopaths supports our promise to protect the public and ensures an osteopath’s practice reflects modern standards of care.

‘The Board thanks osteopaths for the important role they play in the day-to-day health of many within our community,’ Dr Grbin said.

The Board is also celebrating the anniversary of 40 years of osteopathy regulation in Australia and would like to thank and acknowledge the work of everyone who has been involved in osteopathy regulation during this time for their guidance and support.

Want to find out more about osteopathy regulation? Read our profession specific annual report. Check out the stories in a recent Board newsletter from former Board members and osteopaths who tell of their personal experiences within the osteopathy profession in Australia.
