Women unite to share stories of overcoming deep grief, trauma, addiction and abuse and how they are using their experience to help others.

Twenty eight women from all over the world share their extraordinary stories of grief, trauma, addiction and abuse and how they overcame these life events using their inner strength and wisdom to heal and help others.

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This Friday, these women launch a collaborative book together, called Intuitive: Knowing her Truth, through the Art of Grace Publishing House, founded by Brigid Holder.

Their stories could have sent them into a spiral of grief, sadness and despair. But instead each of them have used their events to be the catalyst for change.

Brisbane-based mum of five Georgia Hansen, gave birth to a full-term stillborn baby girl on 28th July 2017. She arrived at hospital in active labour, and upon checks, heard the words no woman ever wants to hear “we’re so sorry, there is no heartbeat”.

While deep in shock and trauma, Georgia still had the awareness that there was something far bigger at play than she could comprehend.

Ever since, she has been tuning in and honing this inner wisdom. She has been sharing her story, speaking up about stillbirth and mentoring other bereaved mothers, now she is part of this project and writing her own solo book.

"From the first moments that followed those primal screams, I knew there was something far bigger than me at play," Georgia says.

"I heard an inner voice say 'everything is actually going to be ok'. I didn't know how, but even in that moment I trusted it to be the truth."

Sydney-based mum Saoirse Connolly is another of the authors whose story mirrors Georgia's. They both had polar opposite births, but they held the same truth, anchored into trust of their body and their intuition.

Saoirse is a doula and feminine embodiment coach who works with women during pregnancy to empower them to trust in their body during the most sacred rite of passage to becoming a mother.

However she wasn't always so deeply connected to her inner wisdom, it was through an early pregnancy loss, closely followed by her grandmother’s passing, that was the catalyst for taking back ownership of her life.

"With more than one in three women emerging from their births feeling traumatised it is my message to empower women to take radical responsibility for their body and their choices during pregnancy and birth," Saoirse says.

"Birth is a time when women are most in tune with their intuition, but more often than not this is drowned out by fear and self-doubt. When we are tapped into our inner knowing we can use it as a voice for ourselves and our babies to have a positive birth experience no matter the outcome.”

Each of the authors in this book have overcome heart-wrenching, traumatic and life altering experiences.

All of them have used these experiences to dig deeper into themselves and find a way to live their truest, most authentic and beautiful lives by trusting in their innate wisdom.
