The operator of a Queensland aged care home found to be a serious risk to residents is seeking a judicial review of both the finding and sanctions.

The operator of a group of Queensland aged care homes targeted in a federal government audit wants a judicial review of sanctions imposed on one of its centres.

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The Karinya Village Care Centre at Laidley was one of seven Carinity-run aged care homes to come under scrutiny by the Australian Aged Care Quality Agency following allegations about neglect, underfeeding and poor health at its Bundaberg facility.

The allegations were made in a series of articles published by The Australian newspaper this year.

The audit identified problems at five of the seven facilities.

Nine expected outcomes were not being met at Karinya, including privacy and dignity and clinical care.

The centre was also deemed a "serious risk" to the wellbeing of residents.

The serious risk finding has since been lifted, but sanctions imposed by the Department of Social Services remain in place for six months.

Carinity says the sanctions are causing financial damage to the centre, which is not allowed to admit new residents while they are in place.

It has launched Federal Court proceedings to have the sanctions overturned.

"The decisions have unfairly tarnished the reputations of the community and Carinity," Carinity CEO Jon Campbell said in a statement.

"We intend to restore the confidence of our residents and their families in our staff and the high quality of care we provide at Karinya."

Mr Campbell said Carinity had "responded swiftly" to issues identified at any of its centres, and that it was "deeply committed to achieving the highest standards of care and safety for all of those in its care".
