Thousands of small to medium disability service providers across Australia are set to benefit from the launch of a free interactive learning program designed to help them maximise the growing number of opportunities generated by the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

Developed by Community Business Bureau (CBB), NDIS Success offers disability service providers direct access to leading industry experts, who will outline the steps needed to thrive in one of the fastest growing sectors in Australia.

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CBB General Manager, Consulting and Business Services, Jane Arnott, said NDIS participants and local communities will be the ultimate winners through enhanced service delivery, employment opportunities and ongoing contribution to local economies by successful providers.

“Many of Australia’s 18,000 registered service providers feel challenged by doing business under the NDIS. They want to know what resources should be in place, how to develop effective marketing strategies, and what best practice governance will support their sustainability – and the first part of our NDIS Success program will provide the tools and training needed to maximise marketplace opportunities,” Ms Arnott said.

“This flexible online program is delivered through a dynamic combination of self-paced learning, interactive webinars and peer networking, so participants can be involved at a time that suits them,” she said.

“That’s sure to be great news to service providers operating in regional, remote, indigenous and culturally-diverse communities, as well as those who are busy trying to keep up with customer demand during operating hours but want to enhance services and their footprint in the local community.”

“We’ll be working with organisations to deliver better and more sustainable services – especially in regional and remote communities where people often spend hours driving to access the support they need.”

Sue Horsnell, Chief Executive Officer of specialist disability service provider, HCO, says CBB assisted the independent not for profit to look at itself in different ways, develop action plans that addressed any critical gaps, and allowed time to reflect on what was being done well.

“The CBB team helped us understand our strengths as well as how to identify opportunities across our operations and service delivery – and provided us with information needed to make changes for the better,” Ms Horsnell said.

“It was important to understand our sector offering and be clear on our values that enable success in a NDIS environment. In addition to a major rebrand, we have employed a number of key people with new skills that enhance our focus on quality and safeguarding,” she said.

“All of our eligible clients have transitioned to the NDIS and most now enjoy increased support and an expanded range of services. We have the internal skills to expand across a larger geographic footprint as well as build on the core services that we deliver well.”

“I strongly recommend every NDIS provider to consider this training opportunity, and encourage organisations operating in related sectors too because it empowers you and gives greater control over a successful future.”

All providers who successfully complete the program become eligible to apply for an opportunity to receive six months of direct mentoring support from CBB’s market-leading consulting team.

There are sixteen grants on offer to help participating organisations take what they’ve learned through NIDS Success and apply that knowledge in their own circumstances.

“That’s great news for small to medium organisations that have been held back by a lack of capacity or capability to transform their business,” Ms Arnott said.

“We also expect plenty of interest from organisations operating in related sectors such as aged care, education and employment or health services, who want to expand to provide services to people with disability,” she said.

“There are numerous organisations that already have the necessary skills and experience to deliver NDIS services as part of an expanded business model. Our programs show them how to make an informed decision as to whether to build on core business by offering disability services.”

With estimates suggesting that the NDIS workforce needs to grow by about 90,000 full-time equivalent workers to support 460,000 participants when rollout is complete, the course will allow organisations to enter the sector, help those already in the sector to grow and expand their services, and ultimately create employment opportunities that fill deliver on the projected needs from the community.

The program targets senior managers and staff responsible for operational, marketing, HR and finance functions within small to medium sized organisations.
