The WA premier has accused senior clinicians who are criticising Fiona Stanley Hospital of damaging morale.

Senior clinicians continuing to criticise Fiona Stanley Hospital are damaging morale and being un-Australian by leaking internal memos, West Australian Premier Colin Barnett says.

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In letter to The Sunday Times, the doctors listed concerns including a culture of bullying and fear of dismissal if they spoke out.

It also emerged clinical sessions were cancelled this week due to an anaesthetist shortage, but Mr Barnett told parliament on Tuesday only two patients were affected and it was impossible not to be impressed with the service and care at the hospital.

"We need as a community to praise and support the men and women who work in that hospital."

The leaking of internal memos by doctors was "not the Australian way", Mr Barnett added.

"There is no doubt, it is damaging the morale of people working in that hospital by the relentless criticism of a small group in our community," he said.

Mr Barnett also accused Labor of being jealous of Health Minister Kim Hames, who he said had achieved more for health than any other minister.

"It would take you 20 terms in government (to do the same)," Mr Barnett said.

Dr Hames said he was concerned about the group of clinicians and had organised a meeting to "argue it out", but denied it was a crisis meeting.

"There is a clear, responsible way for those clinicians to be heard," he said.

Earlier, Mr Barnett took another swipe at the complainants, saying his "grizzlers" comment on Sunday was overdue and "a bit of a wake up call".

"If there's something wrong, by all means make a point, make a constructive criticism but this sort of harping on about it I think has gone too far," he told 96FM.

South Metropolitan Health Service acting chief executive Robyn Lawrence confirmed on ABC radio that between Fiona Stanley and Fremantle Hospital, there were about 300 clinical sessions requiring anaesthetic support and seven had to be cancelled this week, affecting two patients.
