More Victorians are set to have access to better emergency care with the opening of a new trauma centre at a Melbourne hospital.

Thousands more people badly injured in car crashes, falls and assaults will have better access to emergency care at a revamped trauma treatment centre in Melbourne.

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The Alfred Hospital Emergency and Trauma Centre has undergone a multi-million dollar upgrade that will allow it to treat more than 65,000 people each year, including up to 8000 trauma patients.

The makeover, funded by donations to the Alfred Foundation, includes additional trauma and resuscitation bays.

A specific assessment room for drug-affected patients or those with mental health conditions, and improved X-ray, CT scan, MRI, ultrasound and radiology services are among other changes.

The centre already has among the best survival rates of any such facility in the world, and is one of the biggest in the southern hemisphere, Health Minister Jill Hennessy said while touring the centre on Tuesday.

But its upgrade will support trauma patients even more, she said.

"Any victim of trauma in Victoria that comes to the Alfred has absolutely everything in their corner ... the clinicians, the equipment, the model of care, and some of the best survivorship rates in the world," she told reporters.
