The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) Federal Office offers nurses and midwives four separate professional development training rooms to assist them to meet their Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirements for continued registration annually.

ANMF offer best practice information on a wide range of topics applicable to all areas of practice. There are even some FREE topics available for ANMF, NSWNMA and QNU members. Each training room also offers evidence of participation in the CPD via an NMBA compliant portfolio or certificate of completion.

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ANMF Federal Education Officer Jodie Davis said “our online training rooms allow nurses and midwives to undertake their CPD without the costs of time and expense associated with face-to-face training, whilst still ensuring they receive quality content”. Ms Davis also said “although we are a member organisation we have made our training available to all Australian nurses and midwives, in any geographical location so our nursing and midwifery workforce remains one of the world’s most professionally trained now and into the future”.

The ANMF recently launched their newest training room, the Body Systems Training Room (BSTR) which features more than 30 courses on anatomy and physiology, pathophysiology and medical procedures. Courses provide an easy understanding of complex body systems, medical and health care concepts and scenarios and courses include audio narrations and interactive quizzes shared through a story-board format. With over 30 courses currently available, these can be purchased individually, within a tailored pack or as a complete library. For nurses and midwives purchasing the complete library they will also receive any new courses added to the training room free during their 12 month subscription.

To complete the launch of this innovative website, the ANMF is offering all members (including NSWNMA and QNU) an inaugural discount on the already cost effective prices, a further saving of up to 20% will be available until 19/9/14.

The three other CPD training rooms the ANMF offer include the Online Clinical Simulations for Nurses and Midwives which offers 3D simulated learning for clinical procedures, The Aged Care Training Room (ACTR) a one-stop-shop for aged care and community care nurses and the Continuing Professional Education website (CPE) with over 50 self-directing learning tutorials.

There is no need to look any further than the ANMF for your CPD needs. Choose your preferred training room today or utilise them all!

For further information contact Jodie Davis and her team on 02 6232 6533 or
