Scott Morrison has sought to make health funding a priority in the upcoming federal budget, as Labor cast doubt on the shelf life of the government's economic plans.

The prime minister announced $260 million would go towards mental health for young people.

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The funding will go towards expanding the Early Psychosis Youth Services program and the Youth Enhanced Services program, which help young people who experience severe and complex mental illness.

Funding for the early psychosis program will see two new hubs set up in the ACT and Tasmania to benefit more than 4000 people aged between 12 and 25, allowing for the program to expand into every state and territory.

Mr Morrison said the funding would ensure young people had access to additional treatment and support for their mental health.

"It is critically important that we take active steps to help our young people maintain good mental health and provide for timely and appropriate care when they experience mental illness," he said.

"It is estimated than in any given year, one in four Australians aged 16 to 24 years will experience mental illness. Yet ... more than one in four young people with moderate to severe mental health problems have not accessed any mental health service."

However, the prime minister ruled out using a mental health levy to support government funding.

It comes after the Victorian government had announced an almost $4 billion levy for the ongoing funding of mental health.

"That's not our practice ... that's not what we do, we just make sure things are funded," Mr Morrison said.

The government also unveiled a multi billion-dollar deal with pharmaceutical giant Moderna to manufacture mRNA vaccines in Australia.

While the exact amount is not known due to commercial reasons, construction on the project will start by the end of the year with production to begin in 2024.

The facility will be the first of its type in the southern hemisphere.

Ahead of next Tuesday's budget, Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese says the economic document is just a springboard for the coalition before the election, which is due to be held in May.

"This government throws out its own budget, this government makes announcements and then nothing happens. The announcement is the end of itself," the Labor leader told reporters in Sydney on Thursday.

"When the government throws out its own budget time and time again, why should we take it seriously? Next week's budget is just a political announcement, that's all it is in the lead up to the election."

Labor plans to hand down its own budget later in the year, should it win office.

Mr Morrison has foreshadowed the budget would focus on dealing with the rising cost of living, as the price of items such as groceries and petrol rise across the country.

The opposition leader said the government's wages target did not keep up with inflation.

"Every single time you know the plan and the projections don't meet the reality," Mr Albanese said.

"After the last budget, (the government) projected real wages to fall over the forward estimates. Australian families know ... that everything is going up except for their wages and that is why they're under such enormous pressure."
