New research has identified four factors that are common among suicidal men.

The beyondblue team says being aware of these distinctive traits may help family members or friends identify men who are at risk.

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The research, based on interviews with 200 men who had recently attempted suicide, found the "common elements" are:

* stoic beliefs about masculinity
* depressed mood
* the presence of things that are stressful

* and a tendency to isolate themselves socially.

More than five men die by suicide each day, says beyondblue chief executive Georgie Harman.

And Australian men are three times more likely to die by suicide than women.

"By shedding light on what families, friends and colleagues can look out for, this research is crucial in our efforts to prevent suicide," she said.

Nearly all of the men said support from someone they trust was the most important factor in interrupting their suicide attempt.

And having someone to listen with an open mind was the second most important factor.

"If you're worried about a man in your life, I would urge you to reach out to them and then keep reaching out to them until you're satisfied they're ok," said Jeremy Macvean from the Movember Foundation.

"The fact is, they may just say they're ok because they don't want to be seen as weak.

"Your intervention could save their life."

* Readers seeking support and information about suicide prevention can contact beyondblue on 1300 22 4636
