Pads and tampons will be provided free in NSW public schools when students return to class next week.

More than 4600 dispensers have been installed in public schools across the state to help girls overcome barriers in accessing menstrual hygiene products.

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Education Minister Sarah Mitchell says periods should not be a barrier to education.

"I want our young women to feel comfortable in knowing they have access to free sanitary products when they need, in their school," she said in a statement on Wednesday.

Research showed that providing sanitary items had a positive impact on educational engagement and success, she said.

The government is also rolling out the Periods, Pain and Endometriosis Program (PPEP-Talk) in partnership with the federal government.

The program to be delivered at select schools is designed to help students and parents understand endometriosis, pelvic pain and early intervention strategies.

Women's Minister Bronnie Taylor praised the latest initiative in breaking the stigma around women's bodies.

"By openly discussing periods, endometriosis and reproductive health we are removing the taboo around women's health issues," she said.
