Hundreds have rallied in Sydney in support of reproductive rights in the United States and at home.

Protesters brandished signs reading, "Abortion is healthcare", "Keep your filthy paws off my silky drawers" and "Ovary-acting? I think not" as they congregated at Hyde Park before embarking on a march on Sunday.

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Organiser Bella Ziade, a 17-year-old high school student, said she was motivated to march after hearing of new abortion restrictions in several states of the US.

She said she also wanted to a see a change of abortion laws in NSW which were "so limited".

"It's a fundamental right. It's healthcare. It's so important and that's why we're marching here today," she told AAP.

Sinead Canning, the campaign manager of the NSW Pro Choice Alliance, said the grouping of dozens of organisations was pushing for abortion law reform in the state this year.

"We've been meeting with politicians for the past few months and we've been getting quite positive signs. We do think there will be a bill on the table by the end of this year," Ms Canning told AAP.

She said in NSW, abortion had been in the Crimes Act since its inception in 1900.

"We want it completely removed from the Crimes Act. A woman should never be prosecuted for accessing a termination of pregnancy," she said.

A NSW government spokesperson said termination was lawful "where a woman's medical practitioner holds an honest belief ... that the procedure is necessary to preserve the woman from serious danger to her life or physical or mental health".

"The NSW government does not currently intend to amend the offences of unlawfully procuring a miscarriage under sections 82 and 83 of the Crimes Act 1900," the spokesperson said.

"Should a private member's bill be introduced to the NSW parliament to repeal these offences, Liberals and Nationals members would be given a conscience vote."
