Teeth are one of your biggest assets. There’s a reason why the Hollywood smile is so common. Pearly whites that are bright and straight will leave a better first impression.

It’s no secret then, that dentists are highly prized and sought after. Aside from the aesthetics, dentistry also aids patients in pain management or providing them with a solution to their problems.

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Braces, crowns, and repair, these are just some of the services that dentists offer. However, how do you start your own dental practice, especially during these troubled times? Here are a few tips to starting your dental career in 2021.

Education doesn’t stop at dentistry

It can be a daunting process, especially since many dentists start out as associates. It’s easy to fall into the comfort and security of working as an associate, especially if you’re not experienced or knowledgeable about the marketing and business side of things.

When you feel confident in your own skills as a dentist, it’s time to start learning about the business. Take notes on how the practice is run so you can apply this in your future business.

Yes, having a private practice is essentially a business. Build up your contacts, allow some loyal patients to your private number. This is crucial in networking and when you finally have your own practice, your clients will follow you and you won’t have to start from scratch.

Aside from that, you should also take up a few courses on how to properly market and manage your business. Many venture into the industry with little to no business knowledge, which can cause many business problems down the road.

Assembling the funds needed

Another important aspect of starting your own practice is finances. Ideally, you should already have a lump sum saved up but if not, there are also other ways you can finance your clinic.

Perhaps one of the most common is to apply for a low rate equipment finance or a personal loan. This entirely depends on how much money you need and what you need it for.

Some financial advisors would actually advise against paying off your student debt as soon as possible, but focus those funds into your future business.

Paying off your debts with a salary is both time consuming and inefficient because you won’t have any savings by the time you’re done.

On the other hand, saving the money that you would otherwise put into the student loan, would allow you to open your practice much sooner and earn more money that you would (ideally) than at your associate practice.

However, due to the current situation of the world, many businesses are taking a step back and reevaluating whether it is necessary to invest in a business especially when so many others are closing down.

Dentistry might not be the most crucial sector in the medical field, but it is considered a crucial practice.

There’s no reason why you shouldn’t open a practice right now, especially with all the social distancing and maximum capacity standard operating procedures (SOPs) that many establishments face, there is a demand for more clinics than ever before.
