Girls whose periods kick in early could be at greater risk of heart disease by the time they're in their 50s, a new study suggests.

Women who begin getting their periods early appear to have a higher risk of heart disease and stroke later in life, a new study suggests.

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Researchers have tracked health data for more than 260,000 women in the UK to determine the role reproductive factors have on heart health.

They found women whose periods began before the age of 12 were 10 per cent more likely to have heart problems by their 50s, compared with women who began menstruating at 13 or older.

Researchers also found that women who'd experienced early menopause, had undergone hysterectomies, or suffered miscarriages or stillbirths had higher risks of developing heart disease or having strokes.

The study can't definitely say that the early onset of periods causes heart problems.

But researchers say their findings could help determine which women need more frequent screening.

The study, which involved the University of New South Wales and the University of Oxford, has been published in the journal Heart.
