PD Warrior; creators of the World’s most comprehensive rehabilitation program for people with Parkinson’s, is proud to bring the Parkinson’s community together for the 4th year in succession to the INSIGHT into Parkinson’s online global conference that will be held virtually on 11th April and monthly in 2021.

It is estimated that there are 10 million people living with Parkinson’s globally. Most people with Parkinson’s are empowered by up-to-date information and strong community support, but lack access and/or means to both.

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PD Warrior’s INSIGHT serves to address this by providing a unique user experience on a global scale.

INSIGHT has become one of the largest virtual World Conferences for people living with Parkinson’s. Insight2020 attracted almost 10,000 registrants from 99 countries around the globe and at is anticipated that in 2021 in this Brave New World INSIGHT we will replicate this success.

The conference will run across one day on World Parkinson’s Day and is delivered entirely online with over 10 speakers presenting on a range of topics and live panels. The event is FREE for people to attend and includes access for 30 days.

Event program, 10 World Class speakers including:

  • Prof. Michael S. Okun - Professor of Neurology
  • Prof Charlie Teo – Neurosurgeon
  • Dr Norman Swan – Multi-award winning broadcaster and investigative journalist
  • Prof. David Finkelstein – Physiologist and neurobiologist
  • Dr. Benzi Kluger – Associate Professor of Neurology
  • Dr Kenneth Marek - President and Senior Scientist at The Institute for Neurodegenerative Disorders
  • Dr Ann Liebert – Adjunct Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at the University of Sydney
  • Dr Jon Roozenbeek – Postdoctural fellow at the Dept of Psychology University of Cambridge
  • Melissa McConaghy – INSIGHT Summit & PD Warrior Founder, Specialist Neurological Physiotherapist
  • Dr. Martin Bringmann - CSO and board director at OccamzRazor.

NSIGHT 2021 will offer an opportunity for people living with Parkinson’s, as well as their loved ones and associated health professionals the opportunity to hear from world leading experts, academics, specialists, clinicians, entertainers and other people living with Parkinson’s in a convenient and accessible ONLINE platform.

This year INSIGHT2021 hosts PD Warrior are giving free access to Tribe365 their online community including Parkinson’s resources and exercise for 30 days to all INSIGHT registrants.

The full program can be viewed here: https://www.insightintopd.com/
