The NDIS represents significant opportunity for Digital Health and for Allied Health Providers regardless as to whether you’re dedicated to supporting Participants or not.

Becoming registered however presents some key challenges upfront and on-going to maintain registration status under the scheme.

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Whilst having the basic information system needs met is essential, having a workforce that is well trained to meet the diverse cultural needs of providing services under the NDIS is critical to success.

Achieving Quality & Safeguarding compliance using a purpose built information system

AbilityX has been built to overcome these challenges by providing all the features and workflows required for providers to comply with the NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Framework and Code of Practice as well as lodging compliant claims to get paid.

Available for small, medium or large providers, it’s a CRM, a Partipant’s Portal, a Plan Manager, a HR & Workforce Manager (including, rostering, staff and volunteer record and credential management) and provides dashboards and reporting for participants, staff, management and NDIS Auditors.

Additionally, it’s integrated with the DHHS’s Client Incident Management System for compliance with registration requirements around capturing and transmitting information associated with incidents.

The application is completely web based, with Invoicing and NDIS claiming, Timesheet Management and is integrated with popular Accounting and Payroll systems as well as team authentication systems used by larger health providers (e.g. Active Directory & LDAP).

Real World Field Tested with NDIS Registered Providers

AbilityX was launched using health-tech start up methods developed by Digital Health innovator Yianni Serpanos, better known as Founder of Allied Health practice management innovations and communities such as and 

It’s a collaboration between the Not-for-Profit registered provider, Mambourin Ltd and a hand-picked team of HealthTechX community members Yianni assembled comprising product design, development and start up expertise.

AbilityX focused on analysing and discovering the key problems, challenges and opportunities affecting registered service providers under an ever changing NDIS scheme. 

Having a client centric service delivery model covering the entire participant journey under the NDIS is at the heart of AbilityX. 

Client Centric Healthcare

One of a number of standout features empowering providers to deliver client centric healthcare is a patented method for co-operating, capturing, measuring and reporting outcomes “with” NDIS participants.

The technology takes a Patient Reported Outcome Measure/ Patient Reported Experience Measure, or, PROM/ PREM digital health innovation approach for intake, plan review, on-boarding and outcome management with each participant. 

Reflections & Outcome Measures

Called “Reflections” it allows the provider to work collaboratively with the participant to set goals whilst maintaining an engaged relationship with the participant across a timeline toward meeting the desired outcomes across their support plan timeline.

One of AbilityX’s philosophies for client centric healthcare is:

by using the right digital health tools and having a commitment toward continuously improving empowered, engaged and effective teams healthcare providers can deliver “WOW” with digital healthcare experiences provided to their clients. has passed its commercial validation phase with this philosophy in mind and launched publicly in May with over a dozen large registered providers on-board servicing over 2,100 participants at the date of this article.

AbilityX’s software platform philosophy will result in a growing community of supervisors, trainers and educators to mentor and assist providers with on-going and continuous professional development for their team members.

This ensures risks of incidents or complaints can be minimized whilst achieving better engagement rates for participants and their families, improved health outcomes, financial sustainability and higher job satisfaction for team members providing the support services.

About Yianni Serpanos

Yianni is founder & executive director of, a digital health innovation community for allied healthcare providers, developers, educators and investors.

HealthTechX co-creates digital health education events and ventures to discover, commercially trial and launch digital healthcare innovations that are engaging and empowering better health for people.

He is a co-creator & founder of (allied health practice management software), and sits on digital health working group committees within the Australian Digital Health Agency.
