New research shows the number of Australians aged under 40 diagnosed with melanoma has dropped since 2002 as more people 'slip, slop, slap'.

Fewer young Australians are being diagnosed with melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer, research shows.

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The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) has released a report presenting the latest information on skin cancers in the country.

Since 1982, the rate of melanoma per 100,000 people has risen from 27 per cent to 49 per cent, and almost doubling of people diagnosed, says AIHW spokesperson Justin Harvey.

The report estimates almost 13,300 new cases of melanoma will be diagnosed in Australia in 2016, with about 1800 people to die from the disease.

But the most "exciting" news is that for people aged under 40 the rate has dropped, from 13 cases per 100,000 people in 2002, to about 9 in 2016.

The chances of surviving melanoma have also improved.

Of the people diagnosed with melanoma in 2007-2011, their chance of surviving at least five years was at 90 per cent.

This is much higher than the five-year survival rate for all cancer combined, 67 per cent, according to the `Skin cancer in Australia' report.

The total number of new non-melanoma cases of skin cancer is unknown. However, non-melanoma skin cancer is estimated to account for more cases diagnosed than all other cancers combined.

Cancer Council Australia CEO, Professor Sanchia Aranda says the drop in melanoma rates among Australia's young people is very significant because it indicates the long-running public education prevention campaigns are starting to work.

"Australia has always had the highest melanoma rates in the world.

"So we are very excited to think that among our most vulnerable group of young people we are starting to see a rate drop," Prof Aranda said.

She says the big rise in overall melanoma rates is concerning but not surprising in an ageing population.

Professor Graham Mann, Research Director at Melanoma Institute Australia says the fact people growing up from the 1980s have listened to the message of `slip, slop, slap' is something to be celebrated.

But he says sun protection must remain the focus.

"The reason these rates have come down is because people are putting in a great effort, so if they stop putting in the effort then the rates are going to go back up again," Prof Mann said.

The message from the Cancer Council is the same, says Prof Aranda.
