PARIS, DPA - People who have survived a coronavirus infection should be able to make do with only one vaccination dose because their body will retain immunity memory, France's top health agency says.

    That means a single vaccine dose will serve as a booster to revive the body's defences.

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    The High Authority of Health, or HAS, says in a report the jab should come at least three months after infection, and preferably six.

    So far, about 2.2 million people in France have received an initial vaccine injection. About 600,000 have received a second jab, according to the health ministry.

    Most of the vaccines being distributed currently are fully effective only after a second dose.

    France came in for criticism at the start of the European vaccination campaign because it was slow to get the project up and running.

    However, since then, multiple centres have opened and the number of people eligible to receive the jabs has been expanded.
