From the cause to the cure: Australian families have become key members of the clinical team in the fight against eating disorders which has become one of our countries most devastating mental health illnesses.

This week families from around Australia and New Zealand will be descending on Melbourne to learn more about eating disorders from international and Australian experts and thought leaders.

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Further studies show that the active involvement of families in treatment is making a huge difference in long term outcomes of those suffering these often extremely challenging disorders.

Recent research has indicated up to 1 million Australians now suffer from this illness, with more than 1900 dying from eating disorder related illness in 2014 alone.

This fight to support their child or partner to recover has a huge emotional and financial impact on families.

Belinda Caldwell, (formerly CEO of the Australian Practice Nurses Association), 17-year-old daughter Lucy was diagnosed with Anorexia Nervosa in 2011 and is aware first-hand of the devastating effects this illness had on her family.

“We had to be with our daughter 24/7, supporting her to do what she feared most- eat, and not compulsively exercise. We spent up to 12 hours a day at the meal table and I slept with her at night to stop her exercising. This is not normal parenting for a 16 year old,” she said.

“Between husband and myself we ended up taking extended leave from work for a period of 8 months,” says Belinda Caldwell.

Mrs Caldwell explained her family undertook Family Based Treatment to assist Lucy to recover, and this was invaluable and a vital part of Lucy’s recovery, and in her journey back into normal life.

Speakers include:
Laura Collins Lyster-Mensh is an internationally renowned parent advocate in eating disorder from Virginia, USA. Laura ‘s daughter became ill in 2002 with a life-threatening eating disorder. Her experiences and drive led her in 2004 to write "Eating With Your Anorexic". She co-founded Maudsley Parents and then F.E.A.S.T. (Families Empowered and Supporting Treatment of Eating Disorders), an international organisation providing caregivers with information and mutual support, promoting evidence-based treatment and advocating for research and education.

Carolyn Costin (California, USA), is a well-known therapist, author and advocate in the field of eating disorders bringing over 30 years of experience treating patients and their loved ones.  Recovered herself from anorexia, Carolyn understands eating disorders from the inside out and helps carers learn how to align with their child while challenging the illness.

Other sessions are covering current best practice treatment for adolescents and adults, skills in supporting your loved one, and a range of sessions on areas of concern such as transitions between paediatric and adult services and carer self-care. Other speakers will include families who have successfully supported their family member through recovery.

The At Home with Eating Disorders conference is being hosted by Butterfly Foundation, Families Empowered and Supporting Treatment of Eating Disorders (FEAST) and the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Eating Disorders (ANZAED). For more information about the organisations involved, go to
