Results from a decade-long study of more than 715,000 British women, aged 50-69, has concluded that no connection between happiness and longevity exists.

Good news for grumpy women: being happy apparently has no effect on how long you might live.

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That's the conclusion of the latest attempt to find out if happy people live longer.

Previous studies have linked happiness to longevity but researchers now say no such scientific connection exists.

So while being sick makes you unhappy, just being grouchy isn't enough to make you ill or shorten your life.

The results are based on questionnaires from more than 715,000 British women, aged 50 to 69, who were enrolled in a national breast cancer screening program in the late 1990s.

The women were asked things like how often they felt happy and how healthy they were. Nearly 40 per cent of the women said they were happy most of the time, while 17 per cent said they were unhappy.

After a decade of tracking the women, 4 per cent had died.

Scientists found the death rate among unhappy women was the same as those who were happy. The research was published online on Wednesday in the medical journal Lancet.

"It's such a common belief that stress and unhappiness causes death and disease but it's actually the other way around," said Richard Peto, a professor at the University of Oxford, who was one of the study's authors.

"People should focus on the real issues that shorten their lives, like smoking and obesity."

In an accompanying commentary, French scientists suggested the results might not be the same in men, since "men and women probably define happiness differently".

The researchers said the latest paper was the biggest-ever to evaluate happiness and noted it accounted for potential confounding factors. Some previous studies among older adults have found that women were grumpier than men.

Peto said the pursuit of happiness is still worthwhile, even if it doesn't extend your life.

"Happiness is very nice," said Peto. "I had some of it myself when I was young."

But not everyone was convinced by the study's conclusions.

Hazel Newton, 69, said she believed having a positive attitude was instrumental to her recovery from a stroke several years ago.

"I've always been a glass half-full kind of person and I think that helps keep you healthy," Newton said, while enjoying a day of shopping in London with her sister.
