A first-term South Australian MP has been appointed the state's new advocate for suicide prevention.

Nadia Clancy will work alongside Health Minister Chris Picton, key members of the community and people with lived experience of suicide.

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One of her first priorities will be to establish the Suicide Prevention Council, a statutory body with the aim of reducing the number of South Australians who take their own lives.

Recent figures put SA's suicide rate in 2020 at higher than the national average. In that year 234 people took their own life.

Ms Clancy said she would not take lightly the weight and responsibility that came with her new role.

"I will be listening to, and taking advice from, people across the sector, including service providers, suicide prevention networks and those with lived experience," she said.

"One life taken by suicide is a life too many, and I promise to do my absolute best to help create the supports necessary to help as many South Australians as possible."

Premier Peter Malinauskas said the tragedy of suicide claimed too many lives, touching many families and friends in its wake.

"Nadia will have a direct line to myself and the health minister, her advocacy informed by those who have a deep, intricate understanding of this issue," the premier said.

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