Lifeline is seeking one million signatures for an online petition that is calling on the federal government to double its funding for suicide prevention.

One million people are being sought to sign a Lifeline petition calling on the federal government to double funding for suicide prevention.

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The latest Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data showed that 2864 people took their own lives in 2014, almost eight a day, an increase of almost 13.5 per cent from 2013.

It showed suicide is the leading cause of premature deaths in Australia and the leading cause of all deaths among people aged 15-44.

Launching the online petition on Friday, Lifeline Australia CEO Pete Shmigel said the federal government needed to acknowledge the growing national suicide emergency.

It needed to provide adequate funding to support lifesaving services, research and initiatives taking place across the sector.

"We know the profound impact that suicide can have on individuals, families, friends and whole communities," he said.

"In seeking a million signatures through this campaign, we want to empower everyday Australians to join together and take important steps towards the goal of stopping suicides.

"The number of deaths by suicide is more than double the road toll, and yet government funding for road safety is double that for suicide prevention.

"Furthermore, while we have seen a 25 per cent decrease in the number of motor vehicle deaths over the past 10 years, the number of suicides has increased significantly in this time."

* Readers seeking support and information about suicide prevention can contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 or Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467.
