The Stroke Foundation and Heart Foundation today brought together Members of Parliament from both sides to urge national action on one of Australia’s biggest killers – cardiovascular disease.

Hearts and Minds – Effective measures to tackle heart disease and stroke was launched at a Parliamentary Friends of Heart and Stroke event in Parliament House.

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Stroke Foundation Chief Executive Officer Sharon McGowan said Hearts and Minds was developed by the Stroke Foundation and National Heart Foundation in response to the Government’s acknowledgement of ever increasing burden of chronic disease.

“With an aging population and more prevalent risk factors, chronic disease is Australia's biggest health challenge – internationally chronic disease is being described as a pandemic,’’ Ms McGowan said.

“Within Australia around one-third of the population or seven million people have a chronic condition, and that number is set to grow placing ever-increasing demands on our health system and burden on our communities.

“To successfully meet the chronic disease challenge, Australia must do more to tackle one our most costly diseases; heart, stroke and blood vessel disease.”

Heart Foundation Chief Executive Officer Adj Professor John Kelly AM said cardiovascular disease was largely preventable and treatable.

“Around 4.2 million Australians are living with cardiovascular disease, it is the underlying cause of 29 percent of deaths, yet is largely preventable,’’ Adj Professor Kelly said.

“The Federal Government must act now to encourage GPs to detect and manage risk before a life-threatening emergency – like a heart attack or stroke strikes. This action will help address cardiovascular disease and other chronic conditions.

“When a heart attack or stroke does strike, we need to improve treatment and care to help people maximise their recovery.

“We also need to provide advice and support to empower survivors to manage their risk of a further event.”

The launch of Hearts and Minds was hosted by Co-conveners of the Parliamentary Friends of the Heart and Stroke Foundations Michelle Landy MP and Maria Vamvakinou.

Solutions outlined in the strategy were:
  • Develop Australia’s first heart and stroke strategy;
  • Detect and manage those at risk of heart disease and stroke;
  • Ensure every Australian household has someone who knows the signs of stroke and to call 000;
  • Embed best practice clinical support and education program for health professionals;
  • Deliver post discharge follow-up for stroke survivors nationally;
  • Develop a comprehensive set of measures to achieve a national physical activity action plan;
  • Close the gap on rheumatic heart disease; and
  • Fund a national cardiac rehabilitation audit.

Key facts on cardiovascular disease (mostly heart disease and stroke):
  • The mostly costly disease group at $7.7 billion a year, or more than 10 percent of direct healthcare expenditure.
  • 4.2 million Australians live with cardiovascular disease.
  • Major cause of death, disability and avoidable hospital admissions.
  • Underlying cause of 29 percent of deaths in Australia.
  • 30 percent higher in remote areas for hospitalisations and deaths
  • More prevalent among low socio economic groups and in regional areas.
  • It is largely preventable.
